I’m back! Have you missed me?
I went on a bit of a blogging hiatus after the Cape Town marathon; I did share a recap of our wonderful trip to Cape Town South Africa (catch up HERE!) but then I took a bit of a break…
Some of it was due to a big project at my work that kept me swamped – it was hard to want to sit in front of a computer when I did have free time. Some of it was due to the results of US election- I felt very disconnected from my home country. It took me awhile to snap out of it (and to be honest, I’m not sure I have) Anyways, the results were a turning point for Dustin and I to agree to extend our time here in London. The details are still being worked out for extending, so it’s possible it could change, but chances are that we won’t be moving back when our three year commitment is done in July 2025.
But, enough on that. I have returned to blogging and hope to keep it up regularly, mostly about RUNNING, with some travel and life in London sprinkled in.
Since Cape Town, I ran a 10k in Regent’s Park (47:47, or a 7:37 min/mile average), the St. Neots half marathon (1:46 or an 8:04 min/mile average), a Turkey Day 5k (23:41 or a 7:33 min/mile- after a night of too much wine with my sisters, ha!)
What’s next? In 2025, I plan to run the Paris marathon in April, the Dingle marathon in Dingle, Ireland in September, and the Amsterdam marathon in October. I’m still working with my coach, Donal, and enjoying it.
I went back to the U.S. for Thanksgiving, first to Minneapolis and then to Chicago to see all my sisters, my dad, and their kids and husbands. It was brilliant! So lovely.

I kicked off the holiday celebrations in London with an incredible holiday party for my work at the Tower of London.

Absolutely magical, once in a lifetime kind of party!

And the dogs? Well, Ruth is thriving! She loves her days at Bruce’s doggy daycare and her other dog walkers who take her to the Heath while we are working.

Matilda is a different story- she has really been struggling as of late. She has a new large lump on her leg/hip that continues to grow and its getting difficult for her to walk some days, but the vet doesn’t think we should operate due to her age (15.5 years.) She has a few other concerning lumps, particularly on her throat. She also had some dementia that is worse at night (sort of like “sundowning” for Alzheimer’s patients), where she is very confused especially in the evening and has trouble settling down. We’re taking things one day at a time. I’m so very grateful for the extra year we’e already had with her after her splenectomy last November. But we do want to make sure her quality of life is still there.
I couldn’t love her more than I do. She’s the best dog.

Anyways…on to brighter things.
Let’s dive right back into the regular recap.
Here’s how training went for me this past week, 18 weeks out from the Paris marathon.
Monday: Short speed workout at the track! Warm-up, then 3-2-1-1-1 min hard with 1 min jog in between, two sets of that, for 6.2 miles total. My coach has added in a few days of at least 20 minutes of strength training based on a series of exercises that he provided; I did my 20 minutes + 12 min of core after work.
Tuesday: Double run day! I ran commuted to work with my friend Tina plus our last office run of the year for about 8 miles total. Small group, but lovely run!

In the evening, Dustin and I joined the Mornington Chasers for their Christmas pub run! It was about 5 miles of running with 3 pubs stops (Garden Gate, Dartmouth Arms, and the Pineapple, with a bonus stop at Camden Brewery at the end.) So festive and fun! Well organized with about 50 participants.

Wednesday: I had an early morning blood draw in Marylebone, so I took the train there and then ran home afterwards, just 4 miles, then Heartcore reformer pilates after work.
Thursday: Another run commute- I did not plan ahead and had quite a full running pack!

This time, Tina and I ran to Mayfair for the last Thursday morning WMN Run. Sadly, this group is disbanding in the new year for various reasons. It might be re-launched as something new-I hope so, as I have really enjoyed running with them.

That evening, I joined a few friends for “La Clique” a “sexy” festive circus held in the Christmas market in Leicester Square. It was such a fun evening!

Friday: Morning run with 3 moderate miles in the middle (8:00, 7:41, 7:39). Bit of a progression. Heartcore reformer pilates after work.
Saturday: Lovely long run with the Mornington Chasers, 14 miles.

Dustin and I have tickets to the Christmas carol sing-along at Royal Albert Hall. So cheesy, but SO fun. We went for the first time last year and loved it, so might make this a yearly tradition!
Sunday: Planning to run 6-7 mies with Ruth and am booked in for a Heartcore reformer pilates class in the afternoon.
Summary: Back up to about 58 miles. A bit extra this week with the bonus miles at the pub run. 3 pilates classes, and 1 extra day of strength.
That’s a wrap! I’m happy to be back to blogging and plan to keep things going through 2025!
I’m linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner; check out their blogs to connect with other fitness bloggers for workout ideas and inspiration!

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